giovedì 20 novembre 2014

December birthstone

La pietra dei nati in dicembre è blu: tanzanite, turchese, zircone.

Scoperta alla fine del 1960 in Tanzania, si trova esclusivamente in questa piccola zona del mondo. La tanzanite presenta un colore blu-violetto intenso; spesso viene trattata termicamente per ottenere questo colore. Spesso acquistata come alternativa allo zaffiro, è aumentata in popolarità e oggi è apprezzata più per la propria bellezza e brillantezza che come sostituto dello zaffiro.

Deriva dalle parole arabe zar e gun, che significano oro e colore; lo zircone si trova in una vasta gamma di colori come blu, giallo, arancione, marrone, verde, incolore e  rosso (il colore più pregiato). Per molti anni lozircone incolore è stato utilizzato come imitazione dei diamanti. La saggezza popolare attribuisce allo zircone il potere di alleviare il dolore, stimolare l'appetito, proteggere i viaggiatori da malattie e lesioni, garantire un caloroso benvenuto e per evitare gli incubi, garantendo un sonno profondo e tranquillo. I principali giacimenti di zircone sono l'area Chanthaburi della Thailandia, l'area Palin della Cambogia, e la parte meridionale del Vietnam.

 Il nome turchese deriva dall'espressione francese Pierre tourques o pietra turca; nato nel XIII secolo, descrive una delle più antiche gemme conosciute. Il turchese varia dal blu verdastroalle sfumature di cielo blu  e la sua trasparenza varia da trasparente a opaco. IL turchese è abbondante ed è disponibile in una vasta gamma di formati. E 'più spesso utilizzato per perline, cabochon, sculture e intarsi. Anche se la sua popolarità oscilla nella moda, è un favorito perenne nel sud-ovest americano.


The name turquoise, from the French expression Pierre tourques or Turkish stone, originated in the thirteenth century and describes one of the oldest known gemstones. Turquoise varies in color from greenish blue, through robin's egg-blue, to sky blue shades and its transparency ranges from translucent  to opaque. Turquoise is plentiful and is available in a wide range of sizes. It is most often used for beads, cabochons, carvings, and inlays. Although its popularity fluctuates in fashion, it is a perennial favorite in the American Southwest.
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The name turquoise, from the French expression Pierre tourques or Turkish stone, originated in the thirteenth century and describes one of the oldest known gemstones. Turquoise varies in color from greenish blue, through robin's egg-blue, to sky blue shades and its transparency ranges from translucent  to opaque. Turquoise is plentiful and is available in a wide range of sizes. It is most often used for beads, cabochons, carvings, and inlays. Although its popularity fluctuates in fashion, it is a perennial favorite in the American Southwest.
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The name turquoise, from the French expression Pierre tourques or Turkish stone, originated in the thirteenth century and describes one of the oldest known gemstones. Turquoise varies in color from greenish blue, through robin's egg-blue, to sky blue shades and its transparency ranges from translucent  to opaque. Turquoise is plentiful and is available in a wide range of sizes. It is most often used for beads, cabochons, carvings, and inlays. Although its popularity fluctuates in fashion, it is a perennial favorite in the American Southwest.
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The name turquoise, from the French expression Pierre tourques or Turkish stone, originated in the thirteenth century and describes one of the oldest known gemstones. Turquoise varies in color from greenish blue, through robin's egg-blue, to sky blue shades and its transparency ranges from translucent  to opaque. Turquoise is plentiful and is available in a wide range of sizes. It is most often used for beads, cabochons, carvings, and inlays. Although its popularity fluctuates in fashion, it is a perennial favorite in the American Southwest.
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The name turquoise, from the French expression Pierre tourques or Turkish stone, originated in the thirteenth century and describes one of the oldest known gemstones. Turquoise varies in color from greenish blue, through robin's egg-blue, to sky blue shades and its transparency ranges from translucent  to opaque. Turquoise is plentiful and is available in a wide range of sizes. It is most often used for beads, cabochons, carvings, and inlays. Although its popularity fluctuates in fashion, it is a perennial favorite in the American Southwest.
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The name turquoise, from the French expression Pierre tourques or Turkish stone, originated in the thirteenth century and describes one of the oldest known gemstones. Turquoise varies in color from greenish blue, through robin's egg-blue, to sky blue shades and its transparency ranges from translucent  to opaque. Turquoise is plentiful and is available in a wide range of sizes. It is most often used for beads, cabochons, carvings, and inlays. Although its popularity fluctuates in fashion, it is a perennial favorite in the American Southwest.
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The name turquoise, from the French expression Pierre tourques or Turkish stone, originated in the thirteenth century and describes one of the oldest known gemstones. Turquoise varies in color from greenish blue, through robin's egg-blue, to sky blue shades and its transparency ranges from translucent  to opaque. Turquoise is plentiful and is available in a wide range of sizes. It is most often used for beads, cabochons, carvings, and inlays. Although its popularity fluctuates in fashion, it is a perennial favorite in the American Southwest.
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